July 5, 2024

News Buddy


Law – order is out of control, BJP is unable to handle – Congress

2 min read

For the first time in the history of country, SP, Collector offices were burnt

Raipur(Team Newsbuddy): The incident of burning of hundreds of vehicles along with the District Magistrate and Superintendent of Police office in Balodabazar is proof that BJP is unable to handle the government. State Congress President Deepak Baij said that this is probably the first time in the history of the country that the SP and Collector’s office was burnt by the mob. The Collector and SP had to run from the back door. This incident is the result of the government’s intelligence failure. The society had taken permission for the demonstration. The government was aware, yet why was caution not taken. The Satnami community had appealed to the people to reach Balodabazar through social media. It was also expected that a large number of people would come. Then why did the administration show negligence? If there is even a little morality left, then the Home Minister should immediately resign from his post.

State Congress President Deepak Baij said that law and order situation in Balodabazar has deteriorated due to the inaction of the state government. If action had been taken against those who damaged Jaitkham in time and if the affected community had been talked to, such an unpleasant situation would not have arisen. If the agitated community had been taken into confidence when their religious sentiments were hurt, such a destructive reaction would not have happened.

State Congress President Deepak Baij said that BJP is not able to handle the government. The people sitting in the government are victims of hallucination. BJP has a lot of faith in CBI investigation. People of Satnami community are demanding CBI investigation of the incident. The government has got CBI investigation done in many cases. What is the problem in getting this case investigated? To save whom is the government afraid of CBI investigation. If the government had been vigilant and cautious, such a big incident would not have happened.

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