September 19, 2024

News Buddy

Practice makes you effective: Chetan Tarwani

1 min read

Speech art workshop organized, CA Chetan Tarwani gives tricks of good and better communication

Raipur (Team Newsbuddy): A three-day speech art school is being organized by Suhini Soch and Sahu Vyapar Cell. In which the trainers are telling about the art of giving speeches. As a trainer, CM Chetan Tarwani told the nuances of speech. In which he told about practice and keeping the audience engaged. He told that before speaking something, decide with whom you have to communicate. You have to keep your audience engaged from the very beginning. This is the identity of a good speaker. Continuous practice of speaking makes you a good speaker.

Tarwani told that becoming an effective speaker is not just about getting rid of stage fear. Rather, it is about effectively conveying your point to the listeners and taking them along. The second important thing is practice. Continuous practice is necessary to become a good speaker. Which further increases your confidence.

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