September 19, 2024

News Buddy

“Human behaviour stays at core”

2 min read

By Dhurva Kapoor

I don’t know how to feel when i see people talk about humanity and the benefits of the human race when they themselves are the one causing the death of the same. Its cruel to say that in 2024, where we are touching the skies in technology, human behaviour stays at the core, its a pity, a shame when i see people being loud about protecting humanity, helping the one in need however when you look at them they don’t even have the basic courtesy to have a conversation with a normal human being irrelevant of the position they hold. When i see elders talk about how gen-z today don’t have the basic manners, i think about how my friends talk to the guard of our college as if they were family, and how those elders did not even say thank you to the waiter who got them food. I think its true to think that people sometimes just need someone to blame for the actions that maybe they were responsible for. In our generation we use the phrase “playing the victim” for those who are the cause of the issue, but i feel like that phrase has existed way because gen-z coined it, because be it teenagers or adults everyone thinks that if they play the victim they’ll be automatically right, victims of the humanity, while not understanding what humanity actually is, humanity is respecting people irrelevant of age, sex, cast, religion, humanity is protecting the ones who don’t have a voice, humanity is being nice to people without a reason, humanity is not being selfish but rather selfless, oh how wonderful that world will be if everyone understood the true meaning of humanity and not just used the word to prove a silly point.
I support humanity and i try to be more human each and every day.

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