September 19, 2024

News Buddy


2 min read

By Dhurva Kapoor

We live in a country where the period blood of a goddess is worshipped yet unholy things are done to a woman, even the safest places are unsafe if you are a girl, every single day we hear cases of a girl being raped and killed yet there is no change, we find different things to blame, the system, the clothes, the time, the girl but no one questions the true reason behind this LACK OF BASIC MORALS IN A MAN, how long will it be okay for a girl to feel unsafe in colleges, trains, temples, roads and every place which is absolutely normal for a man to be present at. Even uneducated women have more sensibility than an educated man, the only thing that needs to be changed is the way you raise your boys, they need to learn where not to look, and the meaning of the word ‘no’.
Is it normal to beg and plead for safety? Just to feel like a normal human being at your workspace, at a place of worship, at your own home.
When we raise questions at the character of any girl, answer why girls at the age of 6 months are raped, or when we think of doctors as gods who save your lives, she was brutally raped for doing her job.
The trend where we were asked to pick between a bear or a man to be left alone with, i now understand better why most women picked the bear, any woman would choose a bear any day because just for once a bear may show pity on us a man never will.
I wrote this article not saying that i have hope that things will change yet to inform you that the hope for change was brutally raped and murdered.

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