September 19, 2024

News Buddy

Swine flu patients active in Chhattisgarh

1 min read

Bilaspur (Team Newsbuddy): The Health Department has made it clear that if anyone has symptoms of swine flu, they should immediately consult a doctor and get themselves tested, so that swine flu cases can be prevented. After malaria, diarrhea, swine flu cases have also started coming to the fore in the district. The health department has to deal with diseases one after the other. At present, swine flu is troubling.

According to the Health Department, due to humidity in the weather, swine flu viruses have become active and are working to infect people. In such a situation, the control team is taking samples of those who come in contact daily. Swine flu positives are being found from this.

In such a situation, those with travel history have been advised that if there is a problem of cold, cough, fever, continuous runny nose, difficulty in breathing, then immediately go to the doctor and get tested for swine flu. Instructions have been given to keep beds in the isolation wards of SIMS and District Hospital for the patients coming, so that there is no problem in the treatment of these patients.

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