September 14, 2024

News Buddy

Mayor Dhebar’s Moscow visit is personal, MoU for metro is an election gimmick: Moonat

2 min read

Raipur (Team Newsbuddy): Senior BJP MLA and former minister Rajesh Moonat has strongly attacked the MoU signed by Raipur Mayor Ejaz Dhebar for the light metro train in Moscow. Calling Mayor Dhebar’s visit completely personal, Moonat claimed that this visit has not been made for any government purpose and Mayor Dhebar himself is bearing the entire expense.

Raising questions, Moonat said that the invitation to the Transport Development Department meeting that Mayor Dhebar attended was given personally by the Deputy Mayor of Moscow, not by any government agency. Therefore, this visit and any agreement made under it cannot be officially valid. Moonat stressed that the Mayor’s MoU is without any validity as it has not been approved by the Cabinet Committee of the Central Government.

Moonat’s claim: False promises shown for election
Rajesh Moonat also said that this alleged MoU has no legal significance because this visit is not a government one. He alleged that Mayor Dhebar has made this type of announcement to show false dreams to the public keeping in mind the upcoming urban body elections.

Questions on the validity of MoU
Former minister Moonat said that there is no information about any kind of concrete plan, funding, technical transfer, or the role of the state and central government in the MoU. He said that if a government official has gone to a country on a personal visit, then the agreement made by him cannot be considered a government agreement.

Questions raised in view of urban body elections
In this entire matter, Moonat also said that this step of Mayor Dhebar has been taken keeping in mind the upcoming urban body elections. Calling it an “election gimmick” presented before the public, he claimed that such an MoU had no solid basis for bringing metro train to Raipur.

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