July 1, 2024

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Panel operator of Mahadev Satta app Nitish Diwan arrested

2 min read

ED will interrogate investment in crypto currency for 8 days///

Raipur. In the Mahadev Satta App case, ED arrested 25-year-old Nitish Diwan from Bhilai and presented him in the special court of Raipur. Nitish Diwan Mahadev, a resident of Vaishali Nagar, used to work as a panel operator of the app along with the betting app promoter.
In the Mahadev Satta App case, ED arrested 25-year-old Nitish Diwan from Bhilai and presented him in the special court of Raipur. Nitish Diwan Mahadev, a resident of Vaishali Nagar, used to work as a panel operator of the app along with the betting app promoter.
On Friday, ED presented Nitish Diwan in the court. ED had asked for 14 days remand. After hearing both the sides, Judge Ajay Singh Rajput has given 8 days custodial remand. The next hearing in this case will now be held on February 24.

ED lawyer Saurabh Pandey told that Nitish Mahadev was in the panel operator team of the betting app. He has been staying with him in Dubai for 2 years. Nitish has invested the money from Mahadev App in crypto currency. Nitish Diwan’s job was to check the panel operator from time to time.
Mahadev used to transfer the illegal earnings from the app here and there through his account at the behest of the promoter. The speculative money has been invested through Nitish Diwan. Many properties have been purchased in Dubai in its name.
There was preparation to take the business to the international level.
ED lawyer Saurabh Pandey said that preparations were going on to take the Mahadev Satta App business to the international level. For this, Nitish Diwan was also sent to Zimbabwe. Nitish had searched for the business opportunity of Mahadev App by going to Zimbabwe.
Nitish Diwan himself has told this in his statement. More inquiries will be made in this matter and many revelations may be made soon.

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