July 3, 2024

News Buddy


Court issues order in case of lion and lioness named ‘Akbar’ , ‘Sita’

1 min read

New Delhi. After filing a complaint by Vishwa Hindu Parishad, the zoo in West Bengal has been ordered to change the names of the lion and lioness, who were earlier named Akbar and Sita.
Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) had objected to these names and said that naming the lioness after a Hindu goddess is blasphemy.
The organization had also objected to keeping the lion in the same zoo.
Both of them are currently kept in North Bengal Wild Animals Park in Siliguri district.

The court said that animals should not be named after “Hindu deities, Muslim prophets, Christian figures, Nobel laureates and freedom fighters.”
Justice Saugata Bhattacharya asked, “You could have named Bijli or something like that, but why did you keep Akbar and Sita?”
The judge said, “You could have avoided this dispute.”
In its complaint, VHP said that they have received complaints from many parts of the country regarding Sher’s name.
VHP says, “She (Sita) is the wife of Lord Ram and is a sacred goddess for all Hindus around the world. Such actions amount to blasphemy and are a direct attack on the religious beliefs of all Hindus.”

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