June 29, 2024

News Buddy


I am a girl, I can fight

2 min read

Lucknow. During the Bharat Jodo Nyaya Yatra, Rahul Gandhi which reached Aligarh Muslim University, he interacted with the girl students there. It is obvious that when minority students of any conscious university get a chance to talk, they will ask many questions regarding women’s rights. Rahul is also a generation younger than the country’s leading leaders, and hence his interactions with the younger generation are a bit more natural. The students asked him that if he became the Prime Minister, what would be his opinion on the issue of women wearing hijab? Rahul said that what women wear is their right, it is their decision what to wear or what not to wear. She said she doesn’t think anyone else should decide what women should wear. Along with this, when Rahul was asked about the participation of women in politics, he said that the representation of women is not visible completely in politics and business, for this all the political parties will have to think that they should give opportunity to more and more women candidates. Yes, women will have to be included in the political structure of the country. Rahul said that the presence of women is still visible in politics at the local level, they reach the level of Pradhan or councilor, but above this, when it comes to becoming an MLA or MP, women are seen very rarely. Women have to be encouraged.
The things said by Rahul are good, but in the country’s politics there is always talk of giving rights to women. If we talk about the two major parties, Congress could not get the Women’s Reservation Bill passed despite being in power for a long time. On the other hand, Modi government made this law, but there are so many conditions attached to it that the general elections of 2029 will also probably be held without women’s reservation. Under the leadership of Priyanka Gandhi, Congress had raised the slogan of ‘Ladki hoon ladh sakti hoon’ in the Uttar Pradesh assembly elections. And as per their announcement, women candidates were also made on 40 percent seats. But it was already decided that the Congress party would win only enough to be counted on fingers, hence that announcement of the Congress had no more meaning than a slogan. On the other hand, wherever elections were held in the country immediately after the UP elections, the Congress did not find girls eligible to contest in any other state, and there was no discussion of those 40 percent seats anywhere. We believe that Congress had stopped at around 20 per cent in giving tickets to women. Even before the implementation of women’s reservation, if any party wanted, it could itself give 100 percent seats to women candidates, but Congress gave neither 40 percent nor 33 percent seats. Even after getting the Women’s Reservation Bill passed, BJP did not do so even on the basis of principled honesty.

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