July 3, 2024

News Buddy


Bhakshak: Hard Hitting and Topical

2 min read

The movie Bhakshak unravels the mystery around a children’s welfare unit in Bihar which houses orphans. The girls are from poor backgrounds and many are not even registered by the unit, hence their identity remains unknown. A joumalist played by Bhumi Pednekar is tipped off that something wrong is happening within the walls of the welfare unit. She brings to light some spine chilling facts of sexual exploitation.Based on the true story of journalist Nivedita Jha from Bihar who actually investigated and published news about this incident, the movie is engrossing and sus-penseful. The wheels within wheels of this story are slowly unfolded and the blunt and awful truth revealed at the end. The movie is also an example of investigative journalism and reporting which plumbs the depths of human depravity and criminal governance. The fourth pillar of justice journalism and democracy are lauded.Stellar performances by Bhumi Pednekar and Sanjay Mishra as her cameraman; a taut script and scintillating dialogue make the movie interesting and compelling.
Hard hitting and relevant the movie is topical and reveals the importance of a free press.Directed by Pulkit the movie has a steady pace and also throws light on the helplessness faced by the police when they don’t have evidence to prove the truth or take action though they learn that something is terribly amiss at the welfare center for girls. It warms up smaller themes of patriarchy, political corruption and the general public’s apathy to get involved in the lives of others because they might get compromised. It questions our sleeping conscience and prods us to think why we’re being so socially apathetic towards others’ pain and predicament.The strong message is delivered in snippets of dialogue and patriarchy in our society is challenged and questioned. When there is injustice what should the public do? These are some pertinent questions thrown up in the film which keeps us glued to the screen.

Sushama Kasbekar
Author, Educationist, Journalist
Email: Sushamakasbekar75@gmail.com)

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