July 5, 2024

News Buddy


BSP will contest Lok Sabha elections alone: ​​Mayawati

1 min read

New Delhi (Team Newsbuddy) : Bahujan Samaj Party President Mayawati rejected speculations about forging an alliance with any political party in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections and said that BSP will contest the elections alone on its own.

In a post issued on social media, Mayawati said that misunderstandings and wrong information are being spread regarding the alliance with BSP. Appealing to the general public to be cautious in this regard, he said that the party’s decision to contest the elections alone is firm. He said, BSP’s decision to contest elections alone in the interest of Bahujan community is firm.

Mayawati said that BSP is fighting the Lok Sabha general elections in the country on its own strength with complete preparation and strength. In such a situation, spreading rumors about forming an electoral alliance or a third front etc. is grossly fake and wrong news. Media should not lose its credibility by giving such mischievous news.

The BSP chief said, especially in Uttar Pradesh, because of BSP contesting the elections alone with great strength, the opposition seems quite restless. That is why they keep trying to mislead people by spreading various kinds of rumors every day. But in the interest of Bahujan community, BSP’s decision to contest the elections alone is firm

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