June 26, 2024

News Buddy


Growing power of private sector in space

2 min read

From Newsbuddy Desk

Recently, India’s spacetech startup ‘Agnikul Cosmos’ has achieved great success by launching its ‘Agnibaan’ rocket for the first time. This is India’s only rocket engine that uses both gas and liquid fuel. The mission of the rocket launched by Agnikul is known as ‘Agnibaan Suborbital Tech Demonstrator Sorted-01’.

Agnikul Cosmos is an Indian startup that is making rockets. It has also built its own private launch pad in Sriharikota, from where the rocket has been launched. Agnibaan is a single-stage rocket that works on a semi-cryogenic engine. It has been designed in India and assembled at Agnikul’s facility at IIT Madras. Congratulating Agnikul Cosmos for the successful launch of the Agnibaan rocket, the ‘Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO)’ said that a major success has been achieved in the form of the first controlled flight of a semi-cryogenic liquid engine through additive manufacturing.

The Agnibaan rocket reaching the sky is very special for India. Where till now the responsibility of rocket launching was on the shoulders of ISRO. But now private players have also started taking steps in this direction. Agnikul Cosmos is one such company. The rocket launch is also special because for this Agnikul used its data acquisition system and flight computers, which have been 100 percent prepared by the company itself.

Not only this, but this test also shows the ability of the entire avionics chain of the sorted vehicle to control the propulsion system of the vehicle. The Agnibaan rocket can carry a payload of 100 kg in orbit to a height of 700 km. The launch of Agnibaan rocket is the world’s first flight with a single piece 3D printed rocket engine. This also shows India’s growing strength in the space sector. Agnikul is the second private rocket launching company in the country. Earlier, Sky Route Aerospace had launched its rocket.

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