September 18, 2024

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Caste reservation without caste census is like putting cart before horse !

4 min read

P J James

New Delhi : The whole trajectory of caste-based reservation in India as a tool to undo the historical injustices borne by the most oppressed caste communities has been beset with many socio-political and legal challenges. One such crucial issue is the ongoing debate around the disproportionate distribution of reservation benefits among sub-caste groups within the “untouchable” Scheduled Caste (SC) or “Dalits” whom Manusmriti considered as subhumans. Regarding this, though some State legislatures have enacted laws for reservation based on sub-castes, Tamil Nadu is the most successful in relation to this where sub-caste reservation has been in practice since 2009. On the other hand, in spite of the Sadashiva Commission submitting its Report in 2012, the successive governments in Karnataka could not implement the internal quota for Scheduled Castes recommended by it.

However, a comprehensive and concrete data regarding intra-caste disparities and inequalities including uneven distribution of reservation among sub-caste groups at the all India level are still lacking. Such a data will also be helpful in identifying most disadvantaged and marginalised groups within SC/ST and to chalk out policies for their effective upliftment. Even details regarding the inclusion of dominant castes or exclusion of deserving castes from reservation benefits can also be ascertained only if concrete data are available. It is in this context that all the democratic forces upholding a caste-annihilation perspective are resolutely demanding an all India Caste Census, that can even be useful for expanding reservation based on population-wise caste-data, which the Manuvadi Brahmanical, fascist forces who control the reins of Indian State are afraid off. Hence, they are staunchly opposing an all India Caste Census saying that it will destroy “social harmony”. On the other hand, the first step in the direction of caste- annihilation is to acknowledge the concrete reality of caste for which Caste Census is indispensable.

It is in this context that the 2nd August judgment of the 7-Member Supreme Court on sub-caste reservation for SC and ST assumes significance. It does not at all mention anything regarding the need of an indispensable and reliable Caste Census which should be the first step to decide on intra-caste disparities. Revealingly, even the judges who were part of the ‘sub-caste’ judgement in their observations, though not binding, had even commented on the need of extending the agenda of “creamy layer” into SC category too. Justice BR Gavai who is part of the judgement, in particular, said that State governments should establish a policy to identify the “creamy layer among SCs and STs” for excluding them from reservation benefits altogether. This is a gross violation of the understanding that a change in economic status is not going to alter untouchability and caste oppression. The same perspective is shared by the entire spectrum of Hindutva fascist forces too, who are upholding both “creamy layer” and EWS reservation on the one hand, and at the same time, stand with Supreme Court judgement on sub-caste reservation within SC/ST on the other. The mechanical approach to caste followed by self-professed communists like CPI (M) is also evident from their prompt support to the apex Court judgement on sub-caste reservation.

Therefore, it is high time on the part of all anti-caste democratic forces to see through the double game on the part of the Brahmanical forces and their allies who support Supreme Court’s sub-caste judgement on the one hand, and oppose or reluctant on collecting and publicly releasing concrete and evidence-based data on caste through a Caste Census, on the other. Through this move, the intention of the Brahmanical ruling classes is to dilute SC/ST reservation and sow confusion and reinforce disunity within and among the untouchable, oppressed castes. It is just for hoodwinking the most oppressed sections. For instance, the proponents of sub-caste reservation who control the Central regime today are still withholding the data collected through the Socio Economic and Caste Census of 2011 with a view to divert funds intended for welfare of marginalised and disadvantaged communities.

Hence, the progressive-democratic forces have to take all the various aspects into consideration to take a comprehensive position regarding the judgement on sub-caste reservation within SC/ST, since the issues involved are complex and multi-faceted. In this context, staunchly upholding the perspective of caste-annihilation and firmly putting forward the demand for an all India Caste Census at the earliest, and with an unwavering political will of standing in solidarity with the most oppressed and disadvantaged sections within SC category, CPI (ML) Red Star resolves to support the Bharat Bandh announced on 21 August by the Bahujan Committee on the issue of sub- categorisation of Caste.

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