September 18, 2024

News Buddy

Rt. Revd. Manoj Charan appointed as Acting Deputy Moderator of CNI Synod

1 min read

Mhow (Team Newsbuddy ): During the CNI Synod Executive Committee meeting, (Requisitioned Meeting) Rt. Revd. Manoj Charan, Bishop of the Bhopal Diocese, was appointed as the Acting Deputy Moderator, CNI Synod by Revd. B.K. Nayak, Moderator, CNI Synod and Bishop of the
Diocese of Agra CNI.

This significant event was graced by the presence of the CNI Synod Executive Committee members along with the office bearers of the CNI Synod. The Revd. Dr. D.J. Ajith Kumar, General Secretary, CNI Synod, and Subrata Gorai, Treasurer, CNI Synod, were also present to this occasion.

The appointment of The Rt. Revd. Manoj Charan as Acting Deputy Moderator, CNI Synod is a moment of great pride and signifies a step forward in the leadership of the Church of North India.

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