September 19, 2024

News Buddy

School roof plaster falls, students injured

2 min read

Janjgir(Team Newsbuddy) : Dilapidated government schools are now becoming the center of accidents. The latest case is from Janjgir district, in village Putpura here, during studies in the school, a large part of the plaster of the school roof fell on the students. In this accident, 5 children were injured due to the plaster, while the head of a girl student was cracked, who has been admitted to the hospital in a worrying condition. At the same time, after the information of this incident, there is a stir in the education department. Teachers and parents are in a lot of panic after this accident with the children in dilapidated schools.

According to the information, this entire incident is of the Government Middle School of village Putpura. It is being told that like every day, teaching work was going on in the school even today. Meanwhile, the plaster of the ceiling of the classroom suddenly collapsed and fell on the children. It is being told that water was dripping from the roof of the school building due to continuous rain. Before the school management could understand anything, this accident happened. Principal Tikam Thawait said that 5 children were injured due to the falling plaster of the ceiling. Their treatment is going on in the district hospital.

Shiksha Yadav has suffered the most injuries, the girl’s head has been broken due to the plaster. She has got 4 to 5 stitches on her head. While other children have suffered minor injuries. The doctor has informed that the injured children are out of danger. On the other hand, after this incident, there is an atmosphere of panic in the school once again. Teachers and students say that the school building has become very old and dilapidated. A demand for a new building was made. But the district administration has not listened to them till now. Due to water logging on the roof, water kept dripping in the classroom. Due to which this accident happened.

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