June 29, 2024

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Modi’s magic.. Mows Maldives

3 min read

The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi addressing the gathering at the launch of key initiatives for farmers welfare, in Mathura, Uttar Pradesh on September 11, 2019.

World leaders support India on derogatory remarks

By Raveesh Benjamin

Raipur..Country has given BJP, after the assembly election results after the assembly elections recently, even an international poll has given a thumbs up to Modi’s guarantee and magic, which is about his model of governance and delivery.

Modi ki guarantee” and “Modi’s magic” have been endorsed even by an international survey as Prime Minister Narendra Modi topped the approval ratings among several world leaders.
The weekly survey by Morning Consult had PM Modi topping the popularity chart yet again as he received 76 percent approval rating with only 18 percent disapproving of his leadership.
Mexican leader Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador was second in the popularity chart with 66 percent in approval against 29 percent giving a thumbs down to his leadership.
A row has erupted between India and the Maldives after the Indian prime minister, Narendra Modi, visited the Indian islands of Lakshadweep to promote tourism.

The visit was perceived by some in the Maldives as an attempt to draw tourists away from the archipelago in the Indian Ocean, whose economy is heavily dependent on tourism.

Three Maldivian ministers have been suspended after making derogatory comments about Modi on social media, describing him as a “terrorist” and a “clown”. The Maldives foreign ministry said the comments – later deleted – were made in a personal capacity and did not represent the official government view.

The Lakshadweep archipelago lies adjacent to the Maldives and shares similar white sand beaches and crystal blue waters, but has so far been underdeveloped.

Maldives election run-off pitched as fork in the road between India and China
“The government believes that the freedom of expression should be exercised in a democratic and responsible manner, and in ways that do not spread hatred, negativity, and hinder close relationships between the Maldives and international partners,” the Maldives government said in a statement.
India’s ministry of external affairs summoned the Maldivian envoy over the insults and one of India’s largest travel platforms suspended flight bookings to the islands. Many people in India have pledged to boycott travel to the Maldives in response to the comments, which were condemned by the former Maldivian prime minister Mohamed Solih as “hateful”.

The largest number of visitors to the Maldives come from India and Russia. Tourism accounts for almost a third of its economy, according to the World Bank.

Relations between the two countries have become more turbulent after the election of the Maldivian president, Mohamed Muizzu, in September.

He is seen to have better relations with China and had fought an “India out” election campaign promising to lesson its influence over the archipelago and remove dozens of Indian army personnel who had been posted there.
The Israeli embassy in India pitched for promoting tourism in Lakshadweep , amid a diplomatic row between India and the Maldives over disparaging remarks made by Maldivian ministers following Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to the islands.
“We were in Lakshadweep last year upon the federal government’s request to initiate the desalination program. Israel is ready to commence working on this project tomorrow. For those who are yet to witness the pristine and majestic underwater beauty of lakshadweepislands, here are a few pictures showing this island’s enchanting allure,” the Israeli embassy wrote on X.

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