July 1, 2024

News Buddy


CM hosts cabinet meeting, important decision taken

1 min read

Raipur(TEAM NEWS BUDDY).The draft of Governor’s address to the second session of Sixth Legislative Assembly of Chhattisgarh for February-March 2024 was approved.
Cabinet approved the draft of Chhattisgarh Appropriation Bill-2024 to be presented in the Assembly for the third supplementary budget estimate 2023-2024.
The draft of Chhattisgarh Appropriation Bill-2024 was approved to be presented in the Assembly for the budget estimate year 2024-25.
Cabinet has approved the Chhattisgarh Excise Policy for the financial year 2024-25. Cabinet has decided that no new liquor shops will be opened.
The draft of Chhattisgarh Civil Court (Amendment) Bill-2024 has been approved.
In this amendment, a provision has been made to substitute ‘District Judge’ with ‘Principal District Judge’ and ‘Additional District Judge’ with ‘District Judge’. Similarly, a provision has been made to substitute ‘Civil Judge Class -I’ with ‘Civil Judge Senior Class’ and ‘Civil Judge Class-II’ with ‘Civil Judge Junior Class’ and ‘District Court’ with ‘Principal District Court’.
The Cabinet has decided to create 5 posts of Joint Registrar (M) in the Honourable High Court Bilaspur from the contingency fund.

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