September 19, 2024

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Sachin Pilot to campaign for Vaibhav Gehlot, son of former CM Ashok Gehlot.

1 min read

Jaipur. In Rajasthan, Congress has nominated Vaibhav Gehlot, son of former CM Ashok Gehlot, as its candidate from Jalore Lok Sabha seat.

Former Deputy CM of Rajasthan Sachin Pilot will campaign for Vaibhav Gehlot in the Lok Sabha elections. During a TV program, Sachin Pilot said, “I will campaign for Vaibhav Gehlot with 100 percent full strength. He is my party’s candidate.”

He said, “When I was the president, I made Vaibhav Gehlot the general secretary and I also worked closely with him. Last time when he contested elections from Jodhpur, I had got him nominated.”

Sachin Pilot said, “I never have bad relations with anyone. There may be ideological differences. But, I never disrespected anyone, said harsh or bitter words. This is not in my conduct and values.”

Many kinds of political meanings are being inferred after this statement of Sachin Pilot. The question is being raised whether the ongoing factionalism in Rajasthan Congress has come to an end. Recently, the factionalism between Ashok Gehlot and Sachin Pilot had come to the fore several times in the state.

Ashok Gehlot had openly given statements against Sachin and Sachin himself had even staged a protest against Gehlot’s government.

The factionalism between the two leaders was such that Sachin Pilot got angry and went to Gurgaon with his supporting MLAs. During this period, there was a danger of the fall of the Congress government in the state.

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