June 29, 2024

News Buddy


Who is the ‘successor’? Many contenders in queue for Raipur South seat

2 min read

From Newsbuddy Desk

Congress is considering this seat easy as soon as Brijmohan Agarwal steps down

Raipur: After eight-time MLA and cabinet minister of Raipur Brijmohan Agarwal became an MP and resigned from the post of MLA and minister, politics has once again heated up regarding his successor in Raipur. While many contenders have become active in the Bharatiya Janata Party, Congress is considering this seat easy after Brijmohan Agarwal’s removal.

Brijmohan Agarwal, who was an MLA from Raipur South for 8 consecutive times, looked very emotional when he left the post of MLA. He remained undefeated from Raipur South assembly seat for about 40 years. Now when Brijmohan is going to Delhi after becoming an MP, he left behind a question that who will be his successor after him. There is a lot of speculation and conjecture in the political corridors about this. Well, the party high command will decide this. Meanwhile, BJP leader Rajesh Munat has challenged the Congress that even a small worker of Raipur is ready to defeat the Congress. On this challenge, the Congress replied that power comes and goes, BJP should not be so arrogant.

Apart from political allegations and counter-allegations, BJP is looking for a winning candidate from Raipur South seat. There is a long list of contenders in BJP’s strong fort. This includes former MP Sunil Soni, state general secretary Sanjay Srivastava, and former MLA of Dharsiwan Devji Patel, among young faces Anurag Agarwal, Deepak Ujjwal are being discussed. However, apart from these, BJP can also bet on a new face. The final decision will be taken from Delhi, but the biggest challenge for Chhattisgarh BJP will be to not let its winning record on Raipur South seat be broken.

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