Bengaluru. Four people, including three staff and one customer, were injured after a mysterious object exploded in the popular Rameshwaram...
Tarwani gets support in the elections of Chhattisgarh Sindhi community Raipur. Chetan Tarwani, a candidate of Chhattisgarh Sindhi Panchayat, which...
Kanpur. The Income Tax Department has raided the premises of a tobacco company in Kanpur. In this raid, luxury cars...
Indore. Bharatiya Janata Party is targeting the Yadav vote bank by activating Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Dr. Mohan Yadav in...
Sushama Kasbekar Bangkok is situated at the southern end of the country on the Bay of Bangkok. It is a...
Raipur. Ankit Bagbahra, the flamboyant Congress leader of Khallari assembly and who has always fought the fight for the farmers...
///Calculators, mobiles and smartwatches banned in examination hall // CM Sai said - students should give the exam stress free…...
Indore. Prime Minister Narendra Modi gave a big gift to Indore in the field of art and culture through 'Vikas...
K K JhaIndore. As the Madhya Pradesh Public Service Commission (MPPSC) prepares for the Mains 2023 examination, candidates have voiced...
Raipur. Manoj Kumar Verma has been awarded PhD for his research work in management under the title "Study on HRM...